#GridLife C7 Daytona Prototype
Over the winter, the guys from #GridLife put together some amazing iRacing events. They usually schedule them as a series of races with a theme. Last year, they put together a series called the Momo Prototype Challenge that was sponsored by Momo, with prizes for racers and even give aways to fans and spectators. The level of professionalism and organization of the races is on par with any sim racing presentation I’ve seen and the races are usually fun and entertaining.
Many of the racers have their own liveries, but for the guys that don’t have a team livery or might not be creative enough to put something together on their own, I put together a series of liveries that look good and give some props to the organization. There is nothing worse than watching a broadcast race and seeing plain, white liveries. This blog post features a few of the liveries that I designed for the Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype.